Working taweez

Working taweez

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Taweez for money and wealth with surah Muzammil

        بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Today we will show you one very good working talisman-taweez for money and wealth with surah Muzammil. No matter if you are involved in trade, you got a shop, or you are working in office like an employee. With the help of this taweez - your income will get bigger and bigger with time. You just have to wear it in your neck. 

The proccess of creating the money taweez:

1. You have to make this item in the appropriate hour of the arabic month. There are several options for this. You have to check which one to choose. Avoid Saturday and Thursday and their planetary hours. 

2. You have to wear new clean clothes.

3. You have to take wudu before starting the amal.

4. The taweez below has to be written with roohani red saffron ink on white paper. 

5. On it you have to burn olibanum for 5-10 minutes and recite the surah Muzammil for 11 times. 

6. After that - fold it and wrap it in white cotton cloth. 

7. Wear it on your neck on a string. Don`t put it in leather or metal lockets. 

8. Remove it when you go to the toilet, while sleeping or have intercourse. 

Here is the taweez that you have to write. 

Monday, May 15, 2023

Islamic talisman-taweez for fast marriage

       بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    Brothers and sisters, today we will show you one very good sufi talisman-taweez, that we used several times for our clients with great success. It can be used by both - men and women. It is used in cases, when there is no marriage proposals for you ( or your child), this item will open the gates of luck for finding a good match for you. It is not a secret that with time going by, the chance to find a spouce, is decreasing. And in this modern society of freedom, more and more young people decide to get married when they are older. 

And what to do, when you are shy, don` have charisma, you are not beautiful enough or don`t have enough money? What can these people do? To stay single to the rest of their lifes, because they don`t got the luck to be born beautiful or rich? No, no, no! We are a great fighters with the unjustice and we want to help all these poor souls ,who want to make family, but the opportunities and luck are against them. 

With this great taweez below, its owner will get good marriage proposals in a fast way. It will open the luck for finding and meeting new persons, who will have the same moral values like yours and will like you, so you can start a harmony relationship.

Keep in mind that this taweez can be used by anyone - muslim or not.

Write this talisman-taweez below on yellow paper with red roohani ink. Do it 2 days before the full moon in the hour of venus. Before writting it, recite surah Fatiha 7 times. After writting it - recite surah Taha, verse 2 for 33 timesm while holding the item on olibanum incense. After that - fold the taweez as much as you can and wrap it in green cotton cloth. Then wear it in you as much as possible - in pocket, on arm, on neck. Soon everything will start to change.


Monday, January 16, 2023

Islamic talisman - taweez for miracles


      بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Who don`t want to see miracles in his life? Extraordinary things to happen. Events that can reshape your life and other people. There are different ways to provoke miracles in life, epsecially with the help of Islam. And today we will present you one taweez for such miracles. It has to be written in Monday on a deer skin with roohani ( spiritual) ink. The deer skin is important ,because this talisman won`t work if written on any other type of paper or parchment. Only the deer skin has the needed qualities for this. So, it has to be written in the hour of the moon in the beginning of the arabic month. After that - evaporate on it for 10-15 minutes a mix of frankincense resins - from arabic gum, olibanum and benzoe. On it  - you have to recite  - surah Fatiha for 100 times every day for 21 days. It is short surah, so it won`t be a problem to recite it - it will take not more then 1 hour a day. It is not necessery to evaporate the resins every time when reciting - it will be good, of course. But only the first time is enough. Soon different unusual things will start to happen around you and you have to be calm - this is something normal with such item in you. The miracles can be from different kind - huge amount of wealth, success in fileds that you don`t expect, surprises of every kind on every corner. 

And here is the taweez:

Monday, January 9, 2023

Islamic talisman-taweez for marriage of men

           بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    Assalamu, brothers and sisters. Today we want to talk about the problem with marriage of men. In almost every mystical book, the problem with marriage is reffered to women. A lot of talismans-taweez are presented, a lot of wazifas and duas, a lot of rituals. And all of them are for women who cannot find husband and there are no marriage proposals. They are for fast finding of life partner. 

    But what about men? Do you know that in China for example, there are 30 million more men then women? And how these men gonna find wifes? And what about the ordinary men? These men that are not beautiful or rich? What to do? No one deserves to be alone! 

So, today we will show you one islamic talisman - taweez for fast marriage proposals, which talisman is specially made for men. It has to be written on white paper with roohani ink in friday, in the hour of Zuhra. On it  - for 10-15 minutes must be evaporate olibanum and the name of Ali must be recited 1080 times. Then the taweez must be folded and put in green cotton cloth. You must wear it in you as much as possible - in pocket, or on neck. 

Keep in mind that this taweez is not full, and only true seekers can understand it.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Talisman to be loved by the people

          بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Today we are going to show you one very good talisman to be loved and respected by the people. Because of its small size - it can be put in ring or in bracelet. It can be used by leaders, politicians, actors and and other celebrities. You will be honored and loved by all people. Everyone will listen to you and you will be respected. It has to be written in wednesday in the hour of Zuhal with roohani ink on white paper. There is no need of any chanting on this item. Just evaporate for 10 minutes on it arabic gum resin for best effect. Then fold it and put in a ring. This taweez for respect also can be engraed on small gold plate. But in that case - this has to be done in the hour of Shams in the say of Shams in the begining of the arabic month. May Allah bless you! 

Monday, December 19, 2022

Taweez to be free and independent from opressor

         بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Today we will show you one very nice taweez to become free and independent from your opressor - it can be your boss at work, a neighbour, or collegue. The great Allah name Jabbar is used for it. Write it with spiritual ink on white paper in Friday, in the hour of Venus. No need to write anything else  - only the following square. The evaporate on the taweez good smelling frankincese while reciting the name of Jabbar on it for 206 times. The fold the item, put it in white cotton cloth and wear this independence taweez in you as much as possible - in pocket or wallet or on your arm. For this item is good a simple ruqyah to be made.

Recitation of this name helps to prevent from violence, severity or hardness. This name is also used for:  
1. To live in prosperity and happiness;  
2. For victory over the hated ruler, dictator and tyrant; 
 3. To acquire prestige and honor, in society and greater and important people and power; 
 4. To treat post-war syndrome; 
 5. For overall protection, for success in life, recognition and increase in wealth. 
 6. to subdue .

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Wazifa and amal for hate and separation between two people


        بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Sometimes a separation between two people has to be made for the good of both of them. No matter if they are lovers, husband and wife, friends or business partners. This separation amal is tested by the author and it is working. On mustard seeds, say Surah Zalzala 72 times and three times the wish and then put it on the place where the two people meet.You have to evaporate asaphoetida when reciting the wazifa. For taweez and spell casting solutions to your problems  - write us at: