Working taweez

Working taweez

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Taweez against headache

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

A lot of people are suffering from headache. To stop this pain, you have to write this talisman below with roohani ink and dissolve in water to drink. You have to drink the water  at least one week. 

For taweez and spell casting solutions to your problems  - write us at:

Friday, July 20, 2018

How to make spiritual roohani saffron ink

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Because a lot of people has asked us in, how to make spritual ink by their own,so they can make their working taweez-talismans,  we decide to make  a video for this. Remember that this ink is the key to the door of the spiritual world. Enjoy it and may Allah bless you!

For taweez and spell casting solutions to your problems  - write us at:

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Taweez for lost love with surah Ikhlas

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 The following work is for return of lost love, to return husband/wife or lover to you. The work is not very easy,because it has to be done for 40 days. Write the following talisman-taweez on 40 white papers with spiritual ink. Fold the papers and every day throw one in a river. Beofe throwing the paper ,you must blow on it and speak your wish. On the bottom of the taweez you should write something  - Fatima loves Hassan, when you will use the names of you and your lover. 

For taweez and spell casting solutions to your problems  - write us at:

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Talsiman-taweez for finding a suitable job

بسم الله الرحماني الرحيم

If you are struggling in finding suitable job for you, to get the dreamed job with good salary, this taweez-talisman below will help you. You have to write it with spiritual ink on white paper in wednesday in the hour of the mercury planet. Evapore some frankincense for 10 minutes on it. The fold and wear in you as much as possible. Soon the doors of good luck will be opened for you. 

For taweez and spell casting solutions to your problems  - write us at: