Working taweez

Working taweez

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Taweez-talisman to achive your goals


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 Here is one very simple and nice taweez talisman to achive your goals. Of course -it won`t work if you want something unbelievable - like to become astronaut from Tanzania. It is made usually for things like  - finding a wife/husband,find a job,  get loan from bank, etc.  - opening of any kind of luck. It is write with spiritual ink in monday on waxing moon on green paper. Recite surah Fatiha on it for 33 times. Fold and wear in you as much as possible. Avoid bad smells. 

For taweez and spell casting solutions to your problems  - write us at:

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Talisman to bind the tongue of enemy

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 Everyone at least once at his lifetime had to deal with enemies which are talking behind his back. Cruel people that are speaking bad words about him and which wanted to make with this talking a lot of bad things - to your business, your relationships with relatives ,friends and partners, your feelings. The talisman-taweez here is against such enemies and to make them stop talking about you. You have ti write it with spiritual ink on yellow paper in monday at sunset. Evapore small amount of benzoe over it. Recite 72 times sura ikhlas on it , then fold it and wear it in you as it is. Wear it as much as possible in you.Soon all your enemies which are talking behind your back will stop doing this and will vanish from your life. 

For taweez and spell casting solutions to your problems  - write us at:

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Talisman-taweez for return of stolen goods

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

As salam, if your shop or house has been robbed, this talisman-taweez will help you get your goods back. The ways in which this will happen are different and only Allah S.A.T. knows best how to return your belongings. Write the following talisman-taweez on white paper with spiritual ink. Evapore some frankincense for 10 minutes on it. Then fold the talisman, put in RED cotton cloth and wear on you as much as possible. The time for working of this talisman is different - sometimes it happens after one week, other time you have to wait month or two. Be patient and wear the talisman. 

For taweez and spell casting solutions to your problems  - write us at:

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Talisman-taweez to call the beloved one

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

No matter if you are separated with your beloved one, or you are fall in love with person who don`t even see you, this talisman-taweez will help you to call the person to you and invoke a deep love in his/her heart. Of course - if the distance between you and the other person is bigger - it will need more time to see effect. 
Write the following talisman-taweez in monday or friday on white paper with spiritual ink. Wrote at the back the ayat below. Evaporate some good smells while reciting the ayat for 111 times over the taweez. Then fold the taweez. Tie it with green cotton string on windy place on your balcony or window so the wind can blow on it and swing it. 
For taweez and spell casting solutions to your problems  - write us at: