Working taweez

Working taweez

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Talisman-taweez to cure kala jadoo and black magic

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 This talisman should be written in saturday, with black ink on red paper, Sura Ikhlas must be read on it for 111 times and benzoe frankincense must be burn on it. After that -it should be fold and put in white cotton cloth. The possesed person must wear it on him as much as possible. 
This talisman has a big value because it cleanses all types of kala jadoo and black magic. It is not for protection, but for cleaning of already possesed person. And if you want to have protection for every sickness and cure it - check ours health taweez or use other taweez against black magic.

For taweez and spell casting solutions to your problems  - write us at: peer_burdu@

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