بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Everybody at least once in livetime suffered from nazribad or evil/bad eye. What is evil eye ? This is when a person look at you in a strange way with jealous,envy or hate in his eyes. Usually women do this, but sometimes men do so. The most vulnerable people are pregnant women, beautiful people, children and ill persons. It is normal sometimes you don`t like a person, you are jealous to him to some reason or hate him and it is normal to think bad things when you met him. But the people who send bad eye - while have bad thoughs, they send also bad energies subconsciosly.The victims of the bad eye, have different symptoms - the children can get ill more often, the beautiful became ugly, the pregnant can lost their babies, loosing of any luck in life and so on. The problem with that evil eye is spreaded in different cultures, on different continents and the cure for it is also different - there are thousands of ways of treatment.Here we are goind to show you one very good taweez for treatment and protection from evil eye with the Allah holly name - Hafiz.
Write the following taweez in friday in the hour of Mercury, on white paper with simple yellow saffron ink ( no need of spiritual ink for this item). Then write at the bottom the name and mother name of the vicitim. Recite on the item the name Hafiz for 998 times, it will take you not more then 15-20 minutes. Do this while evaporate olibanum bokhur on the paper. Then fold the talisman and wrap it in green cotton cloth. The victim should wear this amulet as much as possible - no matter where - in pocket, on neck on string, on arm or on waist. The person will bne protected from any kind of nazribad/evil eye.
For taweez and spell casting solutions to your problems - write us at: peer_burdu@taweez.eu
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